This is a recipe for those hot summer days when you want something cold and get nutrition at the same time:)
I only use organic rhubarb, organic raspberries and organic coconut water. If you would like you can also add some fresh mint to make it a little bit more fancy;)
Rhubarb, raspberries & mint Ice Cream
Receipe for 4 ice cream molds
- I.2 cups rhubarb juice
- 16-20 raspberries
- 16-20 small mint leaves
- 2 limes eller 1 1/2 lemon
- Fill it up with coconutwater
To make the rhubarb juice, you cut up the rhubarb into smaller pieces and and mix it with water. This will be boiling for 15 minutes. If you want a stronger taste of the rhubarb just add more. Koka en saft av rabarber som grund till glassarna. Receptet är beräknat till fyra glassformar.
- ½-1 petioles
- 5cups of water
After this you can put the rhubarb lemonade in the ice cream molds. After that put in the raspberries together with the mint leaves and top it off with the coconut water. Here you can also choice to add the a bit of lime and lemon as well. Just make sure you don’t fill all the way up since the water expands once it turns into ice.

Each cell in my body jumps with joy every time I make this milk:) It is so easy and sooo delicous!
Walnut milk
0.8cups (2dl)of walnuts will be around 1.7 cups (400ml) of creamy and wonderful walnut milk.
- First you soak the walnuts. They need to be soaked for 24hours, and after 12 hours you just change the water.
- After 24hours you change the water again and put the walnuts in a blender and mix it with some good filtered water.
- For more of a milky texture you can bring in more water. If you prefer a more creamy texture you add less. For me I usually start by covering the walnuts with the new filtered water and go from there.
- Mix it all together and just like that you have your own milk!
- Pour it into a jar of your choice
- You can keep it in the fridge for a couple of days. If it stays that long of course;)
That is it! Two ingredients and you have your own amazing homemade milk!:) Enjoy!

The first thing to do when it comes to food is looking at the ingredients. If you don’t understand a word, you either look it up or you put the product back. A lot of times after looking the word up, you might also want to put it back! Eat as much real food as possible, learn to cook if you don’t know already. Know where your food is coming from and maybe you even learn to grow your own food. Make it simple but keep it real. Treat your body, mind and soul, because you are worth it.
Here comes some of my favorite places when it comes to food:
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